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Why a South African Focus?

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Around the world, nature journaling is increasingly popular. The practice is growing as a personal hobby, as part of home and formal schooling, and in environmental education and outdoor programmes. Professionals, especially field scientists, are also rediscovering the benefits of hand-recording observations.














      Map of nature journal groups around the world. Source: John Muir Laws' website


As you can see on the map, most nature journal clubs are in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, Australia has four nature journal clubs, South America has two clubs, and there is only one on the African continent - Nature Journal South Africa.


We all benefit from connecting with other people. Community is essential to successful, long-term nature journaling. When a few of us started, it was difficult to find and stay in touch with other nature journalers. There are many resources about many aspects of nature that are South Africa-specific. However, these are scattered. The South Africa focus of this website is intended to provide a starting point for nature journaling supported with a reference of locally-appropriate resources.




The number of nature journaling resources is also increasing. But most of these are from the US and UK. Nature journaling resources and activities use place-specific examples and references suitable for temperate areas of the northern hemisphere.


South Africa is different from these locations in its seasons, ecosystems, geology, tides, location relative to the universe (views of the night sky), human history and relationships to spaces and places. This website was inspired by the need to link nature journalers in South Africa with appropriate resources.


Go here to find sources of information on many aspects of nature in South Africa.



Importance of Place

Connecting with nature is vital for our survival and wellbeing. What is the importance of place in our connection with nature? What is our relationship with places? Read here for more on this topic.



Where to Nature Journal

Wherever you are in South Africa, some part of the natural environment is close-by. In your daily life, at home, school, work or play, even from inside looking out, nature is present. Find general ideas and specific suggestions here.


In all of our activities, we follow the Nature Journalers' Code of Conduct


Community - Importance of people

Nature Journal South Africa is a small community. We connect with people and places close to us, within South Africa, as well as with nature journalers around the world.


To learn more about us:

read here and here,

contact us here,

stay in touch, join the mailing list here.

Photo of four people different ages
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